Common Causes of Car Wrecks in Busy Urban Areas

Understanding the Factors Behind Urban Traffic Accidents
Explore the common causes of car accidents in busy urban areas and learn the essential steps to take if you're involved in a crash, from calling 911 to consulting with an attorney.
By The Editors
Sun, Mar 2, 2025 06:57 PM PST
Featured image by Queven.
Obviously, we are not lawyers - we recommend checking with a proper attorney when it comes to anything even remotely legal.
Car accidents are much more likely to occur in areas that are more densely populated. Since there are so many more vehicles on the road in urban locations, the chances of a car crash increase exponentially.
What Causes Car Wrecks?
What causes these car wrecks in busy urban centers? Take a look at the most common reasons behind accidents on city streets.
Greater Volume of Traffic
As mentioned, there are simply many more vehicles on the road in urban sprawls. When traffic backs up due to congestion during rush hour, or there is road construction and detours, it can lead to drivers becoming more impatient or even more distracted. Some drivers will turn to aggressive driving tactics while others may zone out, leading to car accidents.
Confusing Streets
Cities are more likely to feature a network of one-way streets. They may also limit areas where you can make u-turns, feature bike lanes, and have added complications that make navigating them trickier. You may know your city streets well, but it’s easy for someone who has just moved there or visiting on a trip to get confused. They may go the wrong way down a one-way street or make a U-turn that leads to an accident.
Distracted Drivers
Distracted driving seems to be a problem for every location across the country, though urban areas are more at risk. Distractions can be visual, manual, cognitive, or a combination of these factors.
Texting, looking up directions on GPS, changing the music on the stereo, talking to passengers, eating, applying makeup, shaving, and trying to grab something that is out of reach are just a few of the actions drivers take that take their attention away from the task of driving. It’s important to understand that even looking away from the road for a few seconds can lead to catastrophe on any road.
Intoxicated Drivers
Despite efforts to curb drunk and drugged driving, it still occurs with enough frequency that it remains an issue, especially in urban locations. Lively city centers have a bounty of entertainment options with plentiful alcoholic beverages available. Instead of being responsible and calling a rideshare or enlisting the help of a sober friend, many drivers still get behind the wheel and cause horrific drunk driving accidents.
Reckless Driving
Whether a driver is running late to work or loses patience in traffic, it can lead to reckless driving behaviors. Drivers that speed, weave in and out of traffic, tailgate, or brake-check are a danger to everyone on the road.
Failure to Comply with Traffic Laws
On city streets, many drivers disregard the rules of the road. Some will run through stop signs while others will zip on through red lights. You may see some drivers fail to yield the right of way and commit other traffic infractions. When they do not follow traffic laws and cause an accident, they can be held responsible for the injuries and damages they cause to others.
Poor Road Maintenance
Since city roads are more utilized, they take on more wear and tear. The city is responsible for maintaining the roads, and when cracks or potholes develop, they must take the right steps to fix them. Often, these areas are overlooked and lead to accidents by causing drivers to lose control.
Construction Zones
Conversely, when city officials recognize that roads must be repaired, maintained, or widened to accommodate the growing population, construction zones will pop up. However, when these areas are improperly marked or blocked off without providing adequate signage, it can lead to confusion and more car accidents.
What To Do If You’re In A Car Crash In A Busy Metropolitan Area
If you find yourself in a car accident while in a busy urban area, you must know the steps to take for the protection of your legal rights. You may be subject to the state’s at-fault laws and comparative negligence, which could mean you are assigned some of the fault in an accident you didn’t cause.
Call 911
Even after a seemingly minor accident, it is in your best interests to call the police. When the accident is serious, the police must respond to help move vehicles out of the road and to get emergency medical services on the scene.
Responding police officers will create a police report that details what they believe to have happened in the crash. It will also indicate if the other driver was issued a traffic citation or if an arrest was made in the case of drunk driving.
Get Immediate Medical Care
A car accident in a busy metropolitan area can be overwhelming and further cause your adrenaline to surge. You may take a quick look at yourself and not see blood, which may make you mistakenly think you’re fine. It is far better to err on the side of caution and have a full medical evaluation. Many injuries can occur in these types of car accidents that have no initial outward signs and left untreated, they can be deadly.
Get Any Evidence You Can Find
There is a good chance you may face some blame for the accident, and the best way to protect your legal rights is to get evidence. Take photos and videos that capture the entire scene, including the location, the weather at the time, and the state of the vehicles involved. Additionally, get contact information for anyone who saw your accident as they may be able to provide crucial details that reveal the other driver was solely to blame.
Call a Car Accident Attorney
After an accident in the city, an attorney is an asset to have on your case, especially if you have serious injuries. You may have been too severely injured to gather evidence on the scene, though a lawyer can step in and get footage from traffic cameras and nearby business surveillance footage to prove how the crash occurred.
Lawyers also have strong negotiation skills, which can help you from the start of your injury claim with the insurance company. You’ll be more likely to get compensation for your expenses with their assistance.