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And The Winners Are...

Again, some very good news from the people at Harbor Freight and their on-going support of skilled trades teaching.

By The Editors

Fri, Oct 29, 2021 12:10 PM PST

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present, the 2021 Winners!  And what a great group of educators from across the the country they are! They are the dedicated teachers who are teaching thousands of smart, eager young people not only how to build new homes and businesses, but to repair and renew existing homes and businesses as well.

the Harbor Freight Tools For Schools logo with a blue background.
Harbor Freight Tools For Schools

This sort of exposure, of course, is a strong positive note for Harbor Freight too ... they do good, we tell you about it, and you shop for tools and other hardware items there - getting quality and durability at low prices. And no, this is not a sponsored post - we just like what this company is doing.

We had two California-based teachers on the list of winners - one close enough to L.A. for us to (almost) call it a local win. Check out the winners as well as the list of teachers who have been honored, and remember that there are a lot more out there just like them... congratulations all!

This article was compiled by the editors of LACar.

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