BMW 2 Press Launch Lunch-Shoot
Captured At The Press Launch For The BMW 2 In Ericeira, Portugal
By J-F Wright
Tue, Mar 17, 2020 01:00 PM PST
Lunch for the lucky journalists spending the day driving the new BMW 2 was served at the beach-front restaurant on Praia de Ribeira d'Ilhas (Ribeira d'Ilhas Beach) in Europe's premiere surf-spot: Ericeira, Portugal. We figured a Portuguese parking lot is as good as any other place in the world to capture the exterior of this German automobile.
About The Author

John-Fredrik Wright was born in Sweden, but raised on both sides of the Atlantic. His experience in the automotive industry starts with a summer-job as a host at Volkswagen’s premier showroom in Stockholm. Later, he worked as an instructor at Swedish Active Driving, teaching safe driving (among other things the renowned "elk-avoidance maneuver") and advanced driving techniques.