This article is from our archives and has not been updated and integrated with our "new" site yet... Even so, it's still awesome - so keep reading!
Published on Sun, Jul 13, 2003
By: The LACar Editorial Staff
By Contributing Editor
WARNING! Testosterone-challenged drivers and anyone with pink or pastel-colored cars need read no further. This review is for real men only (and some of the words are a bit naughty).
Its black and its gutsy and its definitely not for girls. The new Ford Mustang Centennial GT Coupe gives you an erection just putting your foot on the metal-plated accelerator and hearing that deep throat gurgle for the first time Okay, Im being sexist and chauvinistic. So sue me! All I know is that there are all sorts of things I dont like about this car, but Id still like to own one. Why? Because I want to feel like a man again. The only feeling I can liken it to is the throb you get from a Harley Fat Boy that hits a g-spot right in the groin and makes you glad to be male. There are not many new cars around today that let you feel like Steve McQueen when you muscle through the gears on the 405 in the middle of another hot afternoon. The girls can have Marky Mark and his Italian Job Minis squeezing down the subway, but real men want real cars with masculinity. Most cars are so efficient and smooth they might as well be moving walkways. You get in, turn on the engine and they get you where you want to go without any fuss. Theyve got radios, CDs, DVDs, videos, Play Stations, all to divert you from the fact that you are sitting in a car, a necessity for getting you from one place to another. This Mustang is ALL about the drive. Detective Frank Bullitt gave the car its cool cache in 1968 and Ford have done little to mess with it ever since. Some cars need to progress, to keep up with the changing trends and shapes and stay ahead of their ever-evolving rivals. The Mustang needs to be left alone.
It doesnt need to be like the Sebring. Not that there is anything wrong
with its rival from Chrysler. It is a mighty fine, classy car - but you aint
going to be getting a hard-on in a car with satin jade pearl trim with a light
taupe interior. Thats just not in the How To Be Macho handbook.
The more retro the manufacturers leave the Mustang, the happier pseudo blokes
like me are going to be.
I know this isnt going to help my He-Man street cred, but personally I
would forego the dubious pleasure offered by the Mach 1000 audio system. Blasting
out my favorite Barry Manilow CD in the parking lot through the giant woofers
in the cramped trunk would be a worthwhile tradeoff to be able to fit in a vanity
case or two. But thats just me.
I could tell you that there are dual visor vanity mirrors, dual cupholders, a console with armrest and variable interval wipers, but the fancy little extras are hardly the point. The interior medium parchment leather is too plastic to match the exterior, a common problem with models that load up in some areas and leave others back at basic. The no frills Mustang cockpit is functional and comfortable and thats just fine with me. Just in case you were wondering, it does 18 mpg around town and 26 mpg on the freeway. If none of those statistics impress you, try this... I have just turned 43 and I drove this Mustang five times yesterday with only short breaks in between. And I still wasnt satisfied. I wanted more.
More information on Mustangs can be found at